The Duffy Theatre show was in the school hall. The show was called “Duffy
meets a Corgan”. A Corgan is part chicken, part cat and part dog. The
Corgan’s name was Milly. Duffy turns up at his friend Bex’s house. Bex tells
Duffy that she has a new pet Corgan. Milly the Corgan liked to eat worms.
Duffy and Bex managed to work out what the Corgan eats, where the Corgan
might hide, and how to coax the Corgan to return.
meets a Corgan”. A Corgan is part chicken, part cat and part dog. The
Corgan’s name was Milly. Duffy turns up at his friend Bex’s house. Bex tells
Duffy that she has a new pet Corgan. Milly the Corgan liked to eat worms.
Duffy and Bex managed to work out what the Corgan eats, where the Corgan
might hide, and how to coax the Corgan to return.
Some children including me thought it was a funny and an amazing show.
We loved the show.
We loved the show.