Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Email to a family member

Please file this under Writing
Learning Intention 
I am learning to write an email to a family member or to a friend

Success Criteria
I can follow the structure of an email-email address, subject line- salutation, body of text, closing line and ending
I can use correct punctuation through my message
I can write using correct sentence structure
I can use descriptive language (exciting words) throughout my message

A warm hello
Body of text

Hi Jonathan, 

How are you ? This is my first email to you and I am so excited to send this to you.

I hope you are doing good. I hope Godmother Pam is fine. Please give her and your Dad my love. How are your studies going on during this Covid 19 lockdown period? In New Zealand, my teacher Miss Joy Paton teaches us via Zoom meetings which I love to attend. 

I miss you and all the good times we had together. I have fond memories of the fun times we had playing Carrom with Grandma and Grandpa. 

I am waiting for the lockdown period to end, so that I can go back to school. 

It would be lovely to hear from you. Bye for now. 



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