Monday, June 22, 2020

Vocabulary Matching Activity

Vocabulary Matching Activity


Maize crops sick, seeds failing | RNZ News
a Central American cereal
plant that yields large grains
(corn or sweetcorn) set in
rows on a cob. The many
varieties include some
used for stockfeed and
corn oil.
Take a look inside! » Puzzling World
dead ends
an end of a road or passage
from which no exit is
How to Find Your Way Through a Maze: 10 Steps (with Pictures)
an act of leaving a place.

Brain Games: How to Improve Your Sense of Direction - National ...
a course along which
someone or something
Surf Life Saving New Zealand - California Lifeguard Exchange
an expert swimmer
employed to rescue bathers
who get into difficulty at a
beach or swimming pool.
An expert who rescues
someone who is lost. 
The Importance of Having People Who Understand Your Chronic ...
a network of paths and
hedges designed as a
puzzle through which
one has to find a way.

a course along which someone or something moves.

an act of leaving a place.

an expert swimmer employed to rescue bathers who get into difficulty at a beach or swimming
pool. An expert who rescues someone who is lost. 

a network of paths and hedges designed as a puzzle through which one has to find a way.

an end of a road or passage from which no exit is possible.

a Central American cereal plant that yields large grains (corn or sweetcorn) set in rows on a cob.
The many varieties include some used for stockfeed and corn oil.

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