Here are the answers...what is the question?
The first one is done for you!
Extra for experts: Come up with more than one question for each answer. 😎
The Creation Story
Answer | What’s the question? | My illustration or found image |
| What did God create on the first day?
What did God name the light and the darkness?
What did evening give way to?
Creatures filled the seas | Can each creature reproduce itś own kind?
On which day did God create creatures?
Beautiful and good |
Describe in two words God's creation?
God rested. | What did God do on the seventh day of creation?
In how many days did God make creation?
Why did God rest?
The second day | What did God do on the second day of creation?
When did God create Heaven and Earth?
How did God create Heaven and Earth?
Sun and moon and stars |
When did God make the Sun, Moon and Stars?
Where did God place the Sun, Moon and the Stars?
Does the sun, moon and stars light up the Earth?
Which one rules the day and which one rules the night?
Day three | What did God do on day three?
A male and a female |
How many males and females did God create?
What were their names?
When did God make male and female?
Why did God make male and female?
The waters above and the waters below. | Why did God part and waters?
On which day did God divide the waters?
These are my questions on Godś creation. It is wonderful to learn how God created everything in seven days.
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